Early March I decided an appropriate fundraiser for our business would be to offer Easter themed pictured with a FREE mini session, that generally retails for between $30 & $40, my goal is to get people to come out, get some great Easter shots of their little ones, and purchase prints with a goal of raising 10% of all of our sales will be donated to the American Red Cross for Haiti rescues. I hope that we are successful, and I plan on offering an annual special like this, where a percentage of sales goes to a charity of choice that year. It's a nice way to get the community involved in remembering how important our time here really is, and valuing what we have, and remembering to give back to those who are less fortunate than we are. It's easy to get caught up in the day to day living, and forget that every day there are children starving, and disasters happening such as what has been going on in Haiti. I think if we as a whole, can remember that tragedies are happening on a daily basis in this world, it will help us remain well rounded people, and keeping our eyes on the ultimate prize of what we're here for, helping others, and making a difference. That's my take on life anyways.
We aren't even half way through with March; and it's been a very busy month for Moments In Time. We have applied with some charitable organizations to help provide my love of photography, to those in need. It's my way of giving back, in a way that I know how to. So far, we have applied to become affiliated with the following organization's, and I look forward to applying to many more in the near future. This is my chance at making a BIG difference in these people's lives, and I intend on doing everything I possibly can to make that happen.
*NILMDTS (Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep)
*The Littlest Heroes Project
"The Littlest Heroes Project provides the following photograph services; Photo sessions for children infant- 21 who are dealing or have delt with any type of serious illness, children who have been a part of any type of serious illness resulting in illness or disability, photo sessions for families who have lost children within the last 3 years due to a serious accident or illness, organizations or foundations holding events/ fundraisers for a child or for children suffering from serious illnesses. All of our services are free to the participants as a way of giving back to the smallest of heroes."
*Pocket Full of Love http://www.pocketfulloflove.com/index2.php?v=v1
"Families of deployed or deploying soldiers receive donated photography sessions from people like you and me. The photographer shoots a full family session, edits the images and creates pocket sized books for the soldier, their family, and the person who donated the full session*. The pocket sized books (hence the name pocketfullofLOVE) are designed to fit into the solders uniform or flack vest- so that at any time our soldiers can have a reminder of their lifeline... what they fight to defend... their family & our way of life. Along with the books the soldiers will receive 2 DVD slide shows of the collection of images and an 11x14 print to hang in their home. 25% off of all other ordered prints can be enjoyed by the soldier, their family, & friends."
*Images For A Cure
"Images for a Cure is a fund raising effort started by Kristen Weaver and a group of passionate photographers who are motivated to make a difference. It’s not often that we have an opportunity come across our paths that allow us to use our talents and strengths to contribute to such a fantastic cause. We have recognized that our support will make a difference, and encourage other friends and photographers to get involved in our cause."
*Pictures of Hope
"What is the Pictures of Hope Foundation?
Pictures of Hope is a charitable organization of professional photographers who provide complimentary, documentary-style, photography sessions to babies in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) and their families. The Pictures of Hope Foundation is comprised of photographers (many of whom are “NICU mothers” themselves) from across the United States and Canada who are dedicated to donating their time to a cause they believe in, and sharing the gift of photography with families in need.
Why Pictures of Hope?
Throughout pregnancy most parents don’t anticipate the possibility of their baby needing to stay in the NICU after birth. Whatever that reason may be, time spent in the NICU is often an unexpected journey for families, a journey full of overwhelming emotions…sadness, confusion, hope, celebration, and unfortunately, at times grief. Throughout this roller coaster of emotions, many parents do not consider the importance of documenting these precious moments in their lives nor do they think about how much they will truly cherish these images years down the road. In some cases, a little extra TLC from the NICU is needed to be sure the little one gets off to the best possible start, for these families on the road to well being, photographs are a wonderful reminder of just how far their little one has come, however, photographs also play a necessary and very important role in the healing process for other families. In the most heart breaking circumstances, photos may be the only tangible keepsakes some parents have of their precious little one. All Pictures of Hope participating photographers are dedicated to providing NICU families with invaluable images you will cherish forever, captured in a sensitive and caring manner."
I hope each and every one of my blog readers, even you anonymous ones, will look into each organization, and know that I am not here to make any more than a big difference in the life I've been given, and to make the most of my time here. Each of these organizations is close to my heart, and I follow them closely. Take care, and be on the lookout for the many updates this month, it may be hectic, but I'll be back to post more ;) *M*
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